Building Height Standard Review

Consultation has concluded

At its meeting on 15 April 2019, the Council considered a report on the outcomes of the meeting with the Minister and agreed to work with the State Government to develop a Precinct Plan to guide future development and provision of public infrastructure in central Hobart.

On 6 May 2019, Council reaffirmed its decision to work with the State Government to develop a Precinct Plan for Central Hobart and also resolved not to initiate the planning scheme amendments provided in Attachment B to item 8.2 of the Open City Planning Committee agenda of 10 December 2018 to the Hobart Interim Planning Scheme 2015 and the Sullivans Cove Planning Scheme 1997.

The project brief for the preparation of the Precincts Plan was endorsed by Council on 8 July 2019. That Project will examine the social, environmental and economic impacts of height limits and also examine appropriate built form outcomes taking into account the Central Hobart Building Height Standards Review (L Woolley 2018). Further information in relation to that Project can be viewed on the CoH Website.

At its meeting on 19 August 2019, the Council considered the results of the elector poll in relation to building heights in Hobart, conducted by the Tasmanian Electoral Commission, and again decided not to initiate the planning scheme amendments provided in Attachment B to item 8.2.

At its meeting on 15 April 2019, the Council considered a report on the outcomes of the meeting with the Minister and agreed to work with the State Government to develop a Precinct Plan to guide future development and provision of public infrastructure in central Hobart.

On 6 May 2019, Council reaffirmed its decision to work with the State Government to develop a Precinct Plan for Central Hobart and also resolved not to initiate the planning scheme amendments provided in Attachment B to item 8.2 of the Open City Planning Committee agenda of 10 December 2018 to the Hobart Interim Planning Scheme 2015 and the Sullivans Cove Planning Scheme 1997.

The project brief for the preparation of the Precincts Plan was endorsed by Council on 8 July 2019. That Project will examine the social, environmental and economic impacts of height limits and also examine appropriate built form outcomes taking into account the Central Hobart Building Height Standards Review (L Woolley 2018). Further information in relation to that Project can be viewed on the CoH Website.

At its meeting on 19 August 2019, the Council considered the results of the elector poll in relation to building heights in Hobart, conducted by the Tasmanian Electoral Commission, and again decided not to initiate the planning scheme amendments provided in Attachment B to item 8.2.

Consultation has concluded
  • Community Consultation Outcomes

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    The City of Hobart thanks all those who provided feedback during the engagement period. During the engagement period we received 319 submissions. The key conclusions can be found below:

    • 275 (86%) respondents support the concept of including absolute maximum height limits in the planning schemes.
    • 22 (7%) respondents did not support the concept of including maximum height limits in the planning schemes and in the remaining 21 (6.5%) it was unclear whether height limits were supported or not.
    • Of the respondents that supported maximum height limits, 83 (30%) supported the limits suggested in the draft planning scheme amendments, 69 (25%) did not support the limits suggested, 22 (8%) expressed partial support and in the other 101 (37%) submissions support for or against was not clear.
    • Of the respondents that did not agree with, or only partially agreed with, the limits suggested in the draft planning scheme amendments, 89 (98%) considered that the limits were too high.
    • 21 (7%) respondents specifically stated that a maximum building height of 60m was too high.
    • A number of suggestions were made as to what the maximum height limits should be; these ranged from a maximum of 15m for the whole city to a maximum of 75 m. In Sullivans Cove suggested maximum heights ranged from 12m to 18m.

  • Engagement Update

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    Council met on the 15 of April and subsequently again on the 6 May 2019 to affirm its decision to work with the State Government to develop a Precinct Plan for Central Hobart.

    To ensure the height of development in the central area of Hobart and Sullivans Cove makes a positive contribution to the streetscape and townscape values, and meets community expectations, in June 2018, the City of Hobart commissioned an architect and urban design consultant Leigh Woolley to undertake a review of its current building height standards.

    Leigh Woolley prepared a Building Height Standards Review, which was used by the City of Hobart to develop a report – Central Hobart Building Height Standards Review Project - Proposed Planning Scheme Amendments. The report presents the outcomes of the review and outlines appropriate maximum (non-discretionary) height limits for inclusion in the Hobart Interim Planning Scheme 2015 (HIPS 2015) and the Sullivans Cove Planning Scheme 1997 (SCPS 1997).

    The Building Height Standards Review and Proposed Planning Scheme Amendments reports were endorsed by the Council to be released for community engagement from 5 September 2018 until 17 October 2018.

    On 10 December 2018, following the engagement process, the City Planning Committee proposed to lower the height limits in Hobart’s city centre from the 60 metres recommended in the planning scheme amendment report to 45 metres. It was also proposed to lower the height limits in four of other height areas.

    Subsequently, the 45 metre height limit was not approved and the recommendation to seek further expert advice was made.

    On 4 March 2019 the Hobart City Council voted to defer consideration of the matter to allow for further discussions between Council and the State Government, as requested by the Minister for Planning.

    On 10 December 2018, following the engagement process, the City Planning Committee has proposed to lower the height limits in Hobart’s city centre from the 60m recommended in the planning scheme amendment report to 45m. It was also proposed to lower the height limits in four of other height areas.

    To keep up to date with this project in the future refer to information on the City's website, view here(External link).

    View the full report.

    View theAgenda for the 10 December City Planning Committee Meeting(External link).

  • Suggested planning scheme amendments

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    The proposed planning scheme amendments based on the outcomes of the Building Height Standards Review are summarised below:

    In the Central Business Zone it is proposed that the height control planes be implemented by the designation of five Height Areas as shown on the map below.

    For each of Height Areas 1 to 5 an acceptable solution (permitted) maximum height is specified along with a suggested absolute maximum height that would be contained in the performance criteria. These range from 18 m in Height Area 5 to 60 m in Height Area 1. In Height Area 4 the performance criteria also requires a transition in the height of development within Height Area 4 between higher buildings in the inner core of the Central Business Zone (Height Area 1) and lower buildings in adjacent zones and Height Area 5.

    In Height Area 4 the absolute height limit proposed is 45 m or 21 m if within 50 m of land within Height Area 5 or the Commercial Zone.

    It is also proposed that the sites currently zoned Commercial between Melville and Brisbane streets be rezoned to Central Business.

    New figures showing the view lines and view cones identified in Section 4 of the Building Height Standards Review Report are also to be included.

    Other amendments relate to the performance criteria and the requirement for the preparation of an ‘Urban Context Report’ and a design response.

    In the Commercial Zone (Height Area 8 on the map below) it is proposed that the maximum height limit be 18 m.

    In the Urban Mixed Use Zone (Height Area 9 on the map below) it is proposed that the maximum height limit be 15 m.

    In the Sullivans Cove Planning Scheme 1997 (Height Area 6 on the map below) it is proposed to introduce an absolute maximum height of 21 m for Wapping and 18 m for the rest of Sullivans Cove.
    Maximum heights in the Macquarie Point Site Development Plan area are yet to be determined as the Master Plan is currently under review.

  • Project background

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    To ensure the height of development in the central area of Hobart and Sullivans Cove makes a positive contribution to the streetscape and townscape values, and meets community expectations, in June 2018, the City of Hobart commissioned an architect and urban design consultant Leigh Woolley to undertake a review of its current building height standards.

    Leigh Woolley prepared a Building Height Standards Review, which was used by the City of Hobart to develop the Central Hobart Building Height Standards Review Project - Proposed Planning Scheme Amendments report and associated attachments. The report presents the outcomes of the review and outlines appropriate maximum (non-discretionary) height limits for inclusion in the Hobart Interim Planning Scheme 2015 (HIPS 2015) and the Sullivans Cove Planning Scheme 1997 (SCPS 1997). The suggested planning scheme amendments are summarised below.

    Both documents have been published on the agenda of the City Planning Committee agenda held on Monday, 27 August 2018.


    At its meeting held on Monday 3 September, the Council received the Building Height Standards Review and Proposed Planning Scheme Amendments and endorsed these reports to be released for community engagement. The community were invited to get involved and have their say in the following ways:

    Public Submission

    To make a formal submission, please register with Your Say Hobart, then complete the online submission form by 17 October 2018.

    Alternatively formal submissions can be posted to:

    City of Hobart
    GPO Box 503
    Hobart Tasmania 7001

    Public Forum

    To provide more information about the Building Height Standards Review project, the City of Hobart hosted a public forum with a presentation from Leigh Woolley, followed by a public Q&A session.

    Drop-in Information Session

    The City hosted a public drop in session for the community to find out more about the building height review and the suggested amendments to the planning scheme.