What is the draft Public Spaces By-law?
The draft Public Spaces By-law governs positive use of public spaces through activation and also restricts behaviour that is unacceptable in public spaces.
This draft by-law
combines the current Parks, Recreation and Natural Spaces By-law, with the ‘use/activation’
elements in the current Highways and Car Parks By-laws.
What is the draft Infrastructure By-law?
What is the draft Car Parks By-law?
What is the draft Environmental Health By-law?
Currently included together in the current Health and Environmental Services By-law, the draft Environmental Health and Waste Management By-laws have been separated into two individual by-laws to reflect two distinctly different functions.
The draft Environmental Health By-law no longer includes ‘accommodation houses’, as this is now addressed by restrictions in the planning and building context; it also includes clauses relating to bee-keeping.
What is the draft Waste Management By-law?