Project Update - December 2020
Concept designs endorsed by Council
At the Council meeting on 7 December 2020 Council endorsed the draft concept design for the Elizabeth Street Midtown Retail Precinct project as a framework for future streetscape development in the project area. This milestone comes after an extensive two year consultation period. We extend our thanks all Midtown stakeholders who participated in the engagement over this period – with a special thanks to the Project Action Team (PAT) – all busy people who volunteered significant time to work together collaboratively.
The draft concept design responds to the PAT's shared vision for Midtown co-designed with local traders, residents and property owners. The design re-imagines Elizabeth Street (between Melville and Warwick Streets) as a more welcoming, accessible and people-focused main street with better conditions for walking and cycling, spaces to sit and rest, greenery, street furniture and public art.
The most recent public consultation period in October 2020 revealed 71% of respondents being supportive of the overall concept design. Feedback both for and against the concept design was captured in the engagement summary report which was considered by the Council in making the decision to endorse the concept design. Thank you to everyone who contributed to this process and providing constructive feedback on the concept design.
When will it be built?
As previously communicated, Council is not currently in a position to fund construction for the project, however project planning is continuing so that the project will be 'shovel ready', for when new funding opportunities arise. If funding became available, construction of block one could start in 2022.
In the meantime, work will continue on the detailed design, costing, and implementation planning for the project. A further report is to be provided to Council next year with an implementation outline, including funding sources, cost estimate, financial implications and proposed timing of any on-ground works.
Patrick Street Intersection
Funding for safety improvements to the intersection at Elizabeth Street and Patrick Street has been secured though the Australian Government Black Spot Program. Design work for this improvement is underway, with implementation planned for the first half of 2022. Futher consultation will occur with stakeholders in this area soon.