Project update - May 23
Future works in Midtown
Recently the City released the draft Central Hobart Plan (CHP) which proposes a number of built form controls, open space improvements and other actions to improve the liveability of our city centre over the next two decades. Within the CHP Midtown plays an important role. The small and boutique businesses, the heritage shopfronts, and the emerging night-time economy are all highlighted in the CHP as objectives in the newly identified Innovation Precinct along with Midtown’s role in providing new opportunities for a vibrant city.
Midtown will also form part of a wider Elizabeth Street Vision Plan - a key action identified in the CHP. Looking at Elizabeth Street as a whole, will allow the future of the street to be explored in a way that considers how people and vehicles move through the space, as well as opportunities to improve the quality of the street. The Street Vision Plan will be developed in collaboration with stakeholders over the coming year and will be informed by the previous work of Midtown Project Action Team and the results of the Midtown extended outdoor dining trial.
The results of the extended outdoor dining trial will be considered by the Council prior to end of June 2023. This evaluation includes a number of factors including the outcomes of the community and business/property engagement, Place Score report, car parking demand and use data, maintenance considerations, use of the space and a technical assessment of temporary uphill bike lane.
The Elizabeth Street Vision is expected to take at least two years to develop to a stage where a detailed design will be ready to deliver.
Safer Midtown Pedestrian Crossing
The busy intersection of Elizabeth and Patrick Streets is now safer for pedestrians and drivers following completion of a major upgrade.
The upgrade includes a raised pedestrian crossing on the left side of Elizabeth Street (heading north) and kerb extensions which are designed to improve accessibility and reduce the risk of collisions.
This project was jointly funded by the Australian Government’s Black Spot Program and the City of Hobart.
Access to the UTAS Toilets
The University of Tasmania (UTAS) has ceased public access to the toilet facilities located in their Melville Street building. We understand that is driven by the need to provide a secure staff and student environment.
Unfortunately the City does not have authority under the Development Deed or Planning provisions to enforce the retention of this public toilet. UTAS has requested the City to remove the signage to reduce any confusion in regard to the public toilet provision in this area.
he City provides excellent public toilet facilities at the Hobart Central Car Park, located close to Midtown at 107 Murray Street. These facilities are open Monday to Friday: 7.45am - 6.30pm, Saturday: 8.30am - 5.30pm and Sunday: 7.45am - 4.30pm.
More information about the City's public toilets can be found on the City of Hobart website: