Project Update - October 2020
Have Your Say! Public engagement period opens for Midtown concept designs
The City is now seeking community feedback on the draft streetscape concept design for Midtown.
The concept responds to the shared vision for Midtown co-designed with local traders, residents and property owners during a comprehensive community engagement program last year.
The plan re-imagines Elizabeth Street (between Melville and Warwick Streets) as a more welcoming, accessible and people-focused main street with better conditions for walking and cycling, spaces to sit and rest, greenery, street furniture and public art.
You can view the plans here and provide your feedback by completing this survey. Your feedback will help to refine the plan. The survey will remain open until 2 November 2020.
When will the project be built?
Covid-19 has had a significant impact on the Council’s financial position and as a result, the capital project is not currently funded. However project planning is continuing so that the project will be 'shovel ready', as new funding opportunities arise. This could mean the project gets delivered in stages and through different funding programs. We will keep you up to date as the situation evolves.