I've given feedback. What next?

    City of Hobart officers will review and collate your feedback and make final changes to the plan before it goes before Council for approval. 

    If you have provided feedback we will advise you when the final plan is adopted. 

    How will the final Local Area Mobility Plans be used?

    Once adopted, the LAMPs will provide guidance to the City of Hobart on prioritisation of streetscape and mobility projects in these neighbourhoods.  

    Thactions identified in the plans will require further planning, community consultation and detailed design before they can be implemented. 

    Implementation will take place over a number of years as budget becomes available starting with those actions identified in the Plan as a priority.

    Previous consultation

    Community input has been invaluable throughout the development of these plansWe undertook CrowdSpot surveys in 2022 to find out from residents what improvements would encourage them to walk or cycle. We also incorporated ongoing feedback we have received over the years from petitions and community submissions on traffic and mobility issues. 

    Why focus on active transport?

    Providing connected active transport network gives people choice in how they move. This is particularly important within local neighbourhoods where distances between destinations may be shorter and leaving the car at home becomes an option. People are more likely to walk or ride if it is easy, safe, shady and enjoyable. This is a key way we can improve the health, liveability and wellbeing of our city.