Smart Cities Forum: What You Need to Know - 22 August 2018

Keynote Speaker: Richard Griggs, Tasmanian Director, Civil Liberties Australia
What do citizens and community stakeholders need to be aware of in the context of the global smart cities movement? How must city leaders balance the needs of the city against the rights of the individual? How will we know if we’ve gone too far? Join Richard Griggs, Tasmanian Director for Civil Liberties Australia together with a panel of leading local thinkers as we spend an evening discussing the roles and rights of the individual within the modern city.
When: 22 August 2018, 6pm - 8pm, doors open 5.45pm
Where: Hobart Town Hall Ballroom
Richard Griggs Bio
Richard is the Tasmanian Director of Civil Liberties Australia. In 2016 he started the Tasmanian Human Rights Act Campaign ( The campaign is pursuing political commitment to human rights laws in line with the recommendations of the Tasmanian Law Reform Institute report ‘A Charter of Rights for Tasmania’. He lives in New Town and works in Sandy Bay as a lawyer. Depending on weather and family commitments, he commutes to work through Hobart by bike, Metro bus or car.
Dr Joel Scanlan Bio
Joel is a lecturer at the University of Tasmania. He completed his PhD in the dual areas of Intrusion Detection and Machine Learning at UTAS in 2011 and is the primary lecturer for Cyber Security within the Discipline of ICT. His current research is focused towards privacy legislation and enforcement, CCTV analysis and cyber defence of critical infrastructure. Joel’s research interests additionally include electronic health records and sensor networks. Joel sees smart cities as an exciting opportunity for solving complex problems through intelligent data usage whilst still protecting individual privacy.
Dr Gary McDarby Bio
Gary graduated from UCD in 1988 in electronic engineering (1st Class). He worked as an R&D engineer in the areas of digital audio and video and also spent some years as an avionics engineer. In 1995 he completed a full-time Masters degree in Digital Signal Processing and mobile communications in UCD and then worked as an ASIC design engineer with Massana. In Sept 2000 he graduated from the UNSW, Sydney with an MIT endorsed PhD in Biomedical Signal Processing. He then worked as a Principal Investigator in MIT Media Lab Europe for 4 years leading the MindGames group which had notable inventions including the Relax to Win concept and the Cerebus brain computer interface. He is co-founder of Fifth Province Ventures - a company that incubates and prototypes innovative ideas in the ICT space.
Kimbra Parker Bio
Kimbra is the Acting Associate Director of Community and Culture at the City of Hobart. She has responsibility for the delivery of a broad range of community inclusion programs, strategic planning and policy, community engagement, cultural and creative programs, community events and the City's grant program.
Peter Carr Bio
Peter is the Director of City Innovation and Technology at City of Hobart. He is responsible for how technology and information is used to drive and support innovation, improvement and efficiency both within and across the City of Hobart.
Consultation has concluded