Draft Transport Strategy - Open for comment
The draft Transport Strategy was presented in a report at the Council Meeting on 9 July 2018. The report can be viewed under the City Infrastructure Committee Agenda on the City of Hobart website. Alternatively the draft Transport Strategy can be downloaded here.
The Council approved the Draft Transport Strategy to be open for community and stakeholder engagement at the meeting on 9 July 2018. The engagement opened on Your Say Hobart on 10 July 2018, and those who participated in the engagement were able to view the Draft Transport Strategy and provide feedback in an online form.
To provide more information about the draft Transport Strategy, the City of Hobart held a series of information sessions during the week commencing 23 July in Sandy Bay, South Hobart, Lenah Valley and in the City. The sessions were facilitated by John Hepper from Inspiring Place and City of Hobart officers. Briefing sheets were available for attendees focusing on Community, Schools and Business – to assist those who may not have had time to read the entire strategy. These briefing sheets are available here:
A briefing session attendee provided the Council with their sketch notes from the session. That sketch note is available here.
Consultation has concluded