Why is the Council doing this project?

    The community, including local schools and businesses and the West Hobart Environment Network, has been requesting improved pedestrian facilities in West Hobart for a number of years. There is particular concern regarding the safety of crossing Hill Street.

    Studies completed in the last two years have recommended a series of projects, including the installation of kerb outstands and pedestrian refuge islands and the continuation of the median treatment along Hill Street.

    Will any on-street car parking be lost?

    Yes, the kerb outstands will require the loss of some on-street car parking spaces. Where possible, the pedestrian crossings have been located to minimise the loss of car parking. However some car parking spaces will need to be removed in order to provide for improved crossing points for pedestrians.
    Project officers are talking directly with people who will be most directly affected by the removal of these spaces.

    Why aren't there any zebra crossings in the proposal?

    Investigations are underway into the feasibility of installing zebra crossings at the two roundabouts that are at either end of Lansdowne Crescent. If these can be provided safely, taking into consideration sight distance, bus turning and property constraints, then they will be designed and implemented as soon as possible.

    What about the safety of school children crossing Hill Street?

    Council officers are continuing to work with the Department of State Growth to provide safe crossing locations in Hill Street for school children, including the use of adult crossing guards.

    When will it be built?

    The construction works are currently programmed to occur during July and August 2017 (subject to the outcomes of this community engagement).

    Isn’t this type of pedestrian crossing dangerous for bicycle riders, because they create a ‘squeeze point’?

    The final design of the kerb outstands and refuge islands will consider the needs of bicycle riders and will allow space for a bicycle lane to be retrofitted in the future. Council officers work closely with bicycle groups (like Bicycle Network Tasmania) to ensure that safety of cyclists is considered as part of all projects.

    What can I do to make West Hobart more walkable?

    The whole community can get involved to make West Hobart more walkable! The Council has committed to assist the local community to organise a local event in Hill Street, with the aim to encourage walking and community activity in the street.
    Community-based activity is important to increase walking in local areas When residents feel socially connected to their neighbours and part of a strong community they are more likely to walk and spend time in their street.
    With the community activating the edges of Hill Street, through events, activity and art, the traffic travelling along the street should slow down.
    Even the everyday way that front yards are used can contribute to street activation. Simple ideas could include planting a vegetable plot in your front yard, or having dinner on your front verandah (and perhaps inviting the neighbours!).
    Rossmoyne Street in Thornbury (Victoria) is a great example. The community hosted a scarecrow competition in their street which helped to slow down traffic - and the residents got to know each other better! More information about that case study can be found at the following website:
    Do you have a great idea for a community event to activate Hill Street and encourage walking? Please let us know!