Bushrangers and ladies

Apparently there used to be an Inn at 88-98 Augusta Road before it burnt down.It was built in 1857 and was there for forty years, the pub was frequented by the coal miners who worked in the mines around Lenah Valley.The pub was also visited by the bushranger Martin Cash who ranged around the area.

Lady Jane Franklin built Acanthe which is now the Art Museum on the corner of Brushy Creek Road and Lenah Valley Road. She and husband Governor John Franklin had a house in Giblin street as a base while Acanthe was being built. The road which led to Acanthe was also an alternative road to Launceston which started in Elphinstone Road, made its way where Doyle avenue now is, crossed the pottery creek and made its way past where the Lenah Valley RSL now is (The remnants of the road are still there in the Haldane reserve. The road continued to Acanthe and crossed New Town creek before heading North again. It must have been a slow uncomfortable ride  for the coach passengers and possibly dangerous with the possibility of bushrangers

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