Central Hobart Plan
Consultation has concluded

In September 2023 the Hobart City Council endorsed the Central Hobart Plan (CHP). Thank you to all that made it possible.
The Central Hobart Plan is the result of the partnership work between the City of Hobart and the Tasmanian Government with the community. It is a comprehensive plan to guide the future development of Central Hobart over the next 20 years in a way that will strengthen what's great about Hobart, and what makes the city liveable and distinctive.
How we engaged
The draft Central Hobart Plan (CHP) was open for public engagement all through April 2023. There was extensive media coverage and promotion, including newspaper, e-newsletters, radio, postcard distribution to businesses, and social media on Facebook and LinkedIn.
There were also several opportunities to directly engage with CHP. The City's project team had close to 200 conversations on all aspects of how the Plan at two community pop-up events.
Nearly 200 people registered to participate in Future Hobart: City Shaping Conversation - an expert panel discussion with live Q&A. The conversation highlighted the challenges and the opportunities that Hobart has ahead of it in delivering on the vision of the CHP (you can watch the recording here: City of Hobart YouTube)
This project page received close to 5,000 visits and the City received well over 200 submissions, from individuals, community groups, institutions and government.
What we heard
The themes were varied, reflecting the different needs and wants for the future direction of Central Hobart. The majority of the submissions were positive in their tone, acknowledging that the CHP captures a lot of what makes Central Hobart desirable. Defining elements such as the Hobart Rivulet, the views to our surrounding landscape, the value of our streets and open spaces, our historic cultural heritage, the importance of well-planned and designed development and the need for good and varied movement options were strongly emphasised in the submissions. The CHP offers a path to make them an integral part of our evolving city.
Thank you to all for talking to us, sharing your feedback and contributing your ideas. They greatly helped to improve the final CHP that was endorsed by Council in September 2023. A summary of the feedback received can be found in Stage 3 Engagement Report.
Next steps
Following Council endorsement of the final CHP (at the September 25, 2023 Council Meeting) the City of Hobart, with our partners, are busy turning the Plan into reality through all manner of projects and initiatives over the coming years.
To guide this process an Implementation Program has been developed for 2024-2025 to step-out the actions and monitor progress of the CHP. It identifies six priority actions that are crucial to unlocking the city's Vision for Central Hobart. It was adopted by Council in May 2024 and its progress will be reported to Council on an annual basis.
We look forward to continuing to engage with all of you to make this exciting plan for the future of our Capital City Centre come to life over the coming years.