Project Update - 4 May 2020
The City of Hobart and the Tasmanian Government are working in partnership with the community to develop the Central Hobart Precincts Plan (Precincts Plan) – a holistic plan to guide future development of Central Hobart.
The Precincts Plan project was launched in March 2020 with the release of a baseline report and an Economic, Demographic and Employment Study which, combined, detail the current situation, issues and opportunities in the Central Hobart Precincts area.
A survey was also launched on the YourSay Hobart website for the community to provide feedback.
Disruption as a result of COVID19
Given the emergence of COVID-19 and associated precautions to limit its spread, such as encouraging people to stay home wherever possible, restrictions on gatherings, and implementation of social distancing measures, community engagement on this project has been paused.
COVID-19 has also had an impact on many of the key assumptions included in the baseline report, particularly research around economic growth projections. This project relies on sound research – without it, decisions might be made informed by incorrect information that does not reflect current demand and drivers. Accordingly the Baseline Report will be reviewed when the post-COVID situation is clearer and the short- and long-term social and economic impacts are better understood.
We will then bring the updated information to the community and restart the engagement phase of the project. We are committed to engaging with our community and stakeholders on this project, which is important to our city. This engagement will be relevant and meaningful. It is our intention to continue progressing the development of the Central Hobart Precincts Plan when the baseline research has been revised, and the community and stakeholders are in a better position to engage more effectively.
As announcements around COVID-19 are being updated so frequently at present, we will review the situation in three months’ time (August 2020) and make a decision on restarting our stakeholder and community engagement, supported by updated research.
In the meantime, we are continuing conversations with our stakeholders. As part of this work, the online survey and idea mapping tool will remain open on the YourSay Hobart website – to provide you with the opportunity to have your say on this important project.
Consultation has concluded