Draft Waste Management Strategy 2015-2030
Consultation has concluded

This engagement is now closed.
The City of Hobart has prepared a Draft Waste Management Strategy 2015-2030.
This draft strategy was prepared following a comprehensive community engagement process during September 2015 where the community and industry stakeholders were invited to input into the development of a new 15 year Waste Management Strategy for Hobart.
The Draft Waste Management Strategy 2015-2030 provides a framework for initiating and improving programs and services to reduce waste and increase recycling and waste avoidance. It has an aim of achieving zero waste to landfill by 2030.
We are now seeking community and stakeholder feedback on the draft strategy.
All feedback will inform the final draft strategy for the Council's endorsement.
For background information on this project please:
- Read through the documents under the Related Documents tab
- Read the Engagement Outcomes Report