Why aim for zero waste to landfill?
There are many environmental benefits associated with reducing waste and increasing recycling, including reduced use of natural resources, reduced greenhouse gas production, and reduced litter and environmental pollution. The City aims to stop operating a landfill by the year 2030. After 2030 any requirements to dispose of waste to landfill would incur transport and disposal fees.
Why a 15 year timeframe?
The Strategy has been timed to coincide with the planned closure of the landfill at McRobies Gully in 2030. The timeframe provides a sufficient period to implement programs and services to make significant inroads into waste reduction. The timeframe also allows for external factors to develop, such as technological advancements, and state and national waste policy and regulation to come into effect, such as landfill levies.
Will this strategy require significant action by the City of Hobart?
There are a range of actions that the City will undertake between now and 2030. Some projects are more urgent than others, such as the introduction of a kerbside organics collection service, and improving cardboard recycling rates at the waste transfer station. Other programs will take more time and be less visual and require lobbying or cooperation with others. The planned closure of the City’s landfill in 2030 makes the implementation of the actions in this strategy vital to managing the City’s waste into the future.
Will this Strategy require me to do anything?
The City will be engaging with the community on many of the actions in the strategy over the next 15 years. This will allow the community to get more involved in achieving better waste avoidance, waste reduction and recycling outcomes. The City is relying on you to help us achieve zero waste to landfill.
Has prevoius feedback been taken into account when developing this strategy?
We felt it was vital to hear what the community and industry thought prior to writing this strategy so we conducted a comprehensive community engagement process involving public meetings, online surveys, and one-on-one meetings with a range of industry and government bodies. Information gathered through the pre-development period was essential in enabling the draft strategy to be prepared.
Those who were involved in providing information and comment should see from the draft strategy that their feedback has been considered.
What happens to my feedback?
All feedback will be reviewed and will be used to inform the final Strategy which will be provided to the Council for consideration and endorsement.
Results of the engagement will also be available to view on Your Say Hobart.