Why are we upgrading the Fern Tree Park Visitor Node?

    Fern Tree Park is located within the larger Wellington Park. It serves multiple purposes for visitors as a local playground for Fern Tree families and as a trailhead and key access point for walkers and cyclists to the Pipeline Track and broader recreational trails of Wellington Park.The draft master plan has been prepared because Fern Tree Park has become popular, its park infrastructure needs updating and it is recommended in the Wellington Park Management Plan.

    What challenges do we face in upgrading the park?

    Fern Tree Park sits above Huon Road on a steep slope. Access between the Park, Fern Glade Entry car park and Stephenson Place combined with its location make it difficult to develop new visitor facilities most particularly a new public toilet.

    Detailed investigations were undertaken during the project using specialist waste management and access consultants to consider a new toilet within the park. Due to the steep grades and site terrain it was determined that developing a new toilet that complies with current building, access and waste management standards would significantly impact on the parks natural, landscape, heritage and recreational values and would be also be very costly.

    A new location for a public toilet facility in the Fern Tree Tavern car park was therefore identified. The proposed toilet location is within view of the park and in a convenient location that also provides accessible car parking. A small public car park at the rear of the Tavern is also recommended to provide for visitor parking at this area grows in popularity.

    What are the key recommendations of the Fern Tree

    The key recommendations in the master plan are:

    Fern Tree Park – terracing and a nature-based playground, improved signage and tracks, refurbished picnic shelter, relocation of the public toilet, improvements to

    Fern Glade Entry Car Park – a new footpath along Huon Road between the car park and Fern Tree Park; improved car park layout; upgraded visitor facilities including signs, seating and tracks; reconstruction of the Fern Glade walking track entrance.


    Fern Tree Tavern Public Car Parking and Public Toilet – a new accessible public toilet located at the rear of car park, a new small public car park (12 additional car parking spaces)

    Other Improvements–traffic and road design improvements to Huon Road including speed reduction to provide safer access for park users; upgrading the Huon Road city oriented bus stop; replacement of signage, seating and fences at the Bower and Silver Falls to align with the Hobart Mountain Water Supply Design Guidelines 2013.

    The Council and Trust propose to implement the master plan over a two year period from 2017-2019.

    How do I provide my feedback?

    There are a number of ways you can provide feedback:

    Online feedback form The City of Hobart has a dedicated community engagement website that provides an opportunity for quick and efficient online feedback. Visit hobartcity.com.au/ferntreepark to view the master plan and submit your comments.

    The plan can also be viewed at the Wellington Park website wellingtonpark.org.au, or visit Fern Tree Park, Fern Tree Tavern, or the Fern Tree Community Hall

    Hardcopy feedback form You can complete the feedback form included in this information package, which provides the opportunity for general comments regarding the draft master plan.

    Make a submission You can also provide your feedback by emailing a submission or in writing and mailing it to the Draft Fern Tree Park Visitor Node Master Plan Feedback, City of Hobart GPO Box 503, Hobart, Tas 7001

    Comment period closes 9.00am, Monday, 5 December 2016

    What will happen to my feedback?

    All feedback will be reviewed and used to inform the finalisation of the master plan and its presentation to the Council and Trust for endorsement.

    The results will then be posted on the City of Hobart and Wellington Park websites.