Hobart Transport Strategy 2024

The Hobart Transport Strategy 2024 and the Parking and Kerbside Management Plan have now been endorsed by Hobart City Council.

The endorsement follows an extensive community engagement process.

Throughout May 2024 the City of Hobart sought community and stakeholder feedback on the draft transport strategy and the draft parking and kerbside management plan.

A summary of who we heard from, what we heard and how both documents changed as a result of this feedback can be found in the Engagement Summary Report.

At its July 2024 meeting, Hobart City Council endorsed the transport strategy and supporting documents. The report to Council can be found on the City of Hobart website in the meeting agenda.

We would like to thank everyone who contributed their thoughts and ideas to both documents.

Project background

The City of Hobart has developed the Hobart Transport Strategy 2024 to provide transport choice for people who live and work in Hobart and for visitors to our city.

The strategy will help guide decision making on transport matters for the next 10 years. This includes deciding how the City of Hobart invests in transport.

If you would like to know more about what a transport strategy is, why we need it and how it will make a difference, you can read our FAQs on the right hand side of this page.

Your feedback has helped us better understand what’s most important to our community, allowing us to prioritise key actions in the Hobart Transport Strategy 2024 and Parking and Kerbside Management Plan to deliver transport choice for Hobart.

The Hobart Transport Strategy 2024 and the Parking and Kerbside Management Plan have now been endorsed by Hobart City Council.

The endorsement follows an extensive community engagement process.

Throughout May 2024 the City of Hobart sought community and stakeholder feedback on the draft transport strategy and the draft parking and kerbside management plan.

A summary of who we heard from, what we heard and how both documents changed as a result of this feedback can be found in the Engagement Summary Report.

At its July 2024 meeting, Hobart City Council endorsed the transport strategy and supporting documents. The report to Council can be found on the City of Hobart website in the meeting agenda.

We would like to thank everyone who contributed their thoughts and ideas to both documents.

Project background

The City of Hobart has developed the Hobart Transport Strategy 2024 to provide transport choice for people who live and work in Hobart and for visitors to our city.

The strategy will help guide decision making on transport matters for the next 10 years. This includes deciding how the City of Hobart invests in transport.

If you would like to know more about what a transport strategy is, why we need it and how it will make a difference, you can read our FAQs on the right hand side of this page.

Your feedback has helped us better understand what’s most important to our community, allowing us to prioritise key actions in the Hobart Transport Strategy 2024 and Parking and Kerbside Management Plan to deliver transport choice for Hobart.

  • CLOSED: This survey has concluded.

    Give your feedback on the draft Hobart Transport Strategy 2024 and Parking and Kerbside Management Plan to help us ensure these documents carefully consider how we prioritise what’s important to our community.

Page last updated: 23 Jul 2024, 12:13 PM