Mount Nelson and Sandy Bay Neighbourhood Plan

The City of Hobart is preparing the Mount Nelson and Sandy Bay Neighbourhood (Structure) Plan.

The Neighbourhood Plan will explore how population growth over the next 20 years could be accommodated through:

  • Identifying opportunities for new housing development including infill, medium-density and mixed-use development
  • Explore potential redevelopment of commercial and retail areas

In particular, the Neighbourhood Plan will:

  • Respond to climate change risks
  • Consider improvements to sustainable transport options
  • Identify important environmental areas to be protected
  • Explore improvements to public open space

A Discussion Paper has been prepared to explore the future of Mount Nelson and Sandy Bay. This Discussion Paper has been informed by site and desktop analysis, background reports and stakeholder engagement. It is the first stage of the project and will inform the development of the Neighbourhood Plan.

The Discussion Paper proposes directions and ideas for Mount Nelson and Sandy Bay. The online survey questions are based on these directions and ideas and your responses will help us understand what's important to the people who live, work, shop, study, own property, visit and do business in Mount Nelson and Sandy Bay.

You can download the Discussion Paper from the documents section on the right hand side of this page as well as a summary document of the Discussion Paper.

Reference documents and background reports have been prepared to inform the ideas and directions explored in the Discussion Paper. The following reports have been prepared for the Neighbourhood Plan:

You can download these reference documents and background reports from the documents section of this page.

If you would like to know more about what a Neighbourhood Plan is, why we need it and how it will be used, you can read through the FAQs, which can be found on the right-hand side of this page.

Consultation on the Discussion Paper has now closed.

Consultation for this phase of the project was open from 1 November 2023 until 1 January 2024.

Thank you to everyone who got involved and had their say.

On 29 April 2024, Council resolved to note and endorse the outcomes of the engagement process and the next steps involved with progressing the Mount Nelson and Sandy Bay Neighbourhood Plan project, principally through the preparation of a Directions paper.

The Engagement Report which outlines the outcomes of the engagement activities undertaken in late 2023 is now publicly available.

Discussion Paper Engagement Report (Added 06/05/24)

Please feel free to contact us should you have any questions or feedback in regard to the project.

The City of Hobart is preparing the Mount Nelson and Sandy Bay Neighbourhood (Structure) Plan.

The Neighbourhood Plan will explore how population growth over the next 20 years could be accommodated through:

  • Identifying opportunities for new housing development including infill, medium-density and mixed-use development
  • Explore potential redevelopment of commercial and retail areas

In particular, the Neighbourhood Plan will:

  • Respond to climate change risks
  • Consider improvements to sustainable transport options
  • Identify important environmental areas to be protected
  • Explore improvements to public open space

A Discussion Paper has been prepared to explore the future of Mount Nelson and Sandy Bay. This Discussion Paper has been informed by site and desktop analysis, background reports and stakeholder engagement. It is the first stage of the project and will inform the development of the Neighbourhood Plan.

The Discussion Paper proposes directions and ideas for Mount Nelson and Sandy Bay. The online survey questions are based on these directions and ideas and your responses will help us understand what's important to the people who live, work, shop, study, own property, visit and do business in Mount Nelson and Sandy Bay.

You can download the Discussion Paper from the documents section on the right hand side of this page as well as a summary document of the Discussion Paper.

Reference documents and background reports have been prepared to inform the ideas and directions explored in the Discussion Paper. The following reports have been prepared for the Neighbourhood Plan:

You can download these reference documents and background reports from the documents section of this page.

If you would like to know more about what a Neighbourhood Plan is, why we need it and how it will be used, you can read through the FAQs, which can be found on the right-hand side of this page.

Consultation on the Discussion Paper has now closed.

Consultation for this phase of the project was open from 1 November 2023 until 1 January 2024.

Thank you to everyone who got involved and had their say.

On 29 April 2024, Council resolved to note and endorse the outcomes of the engagement process and the next steps involved with progressing the Mount Nelson and Sandy Bay Neighbourhood Plan project, principally through the preparation of a Directions paper.

The Engagement Report which outlines the outcomes of the engagement activities undertaken in late 2023 is now publicly available.

Discussion Paper Engagement Report (Added 06/05/24)

Please feel free to contact us should you have any questions or feedback in regard to the project.

  • CLOSED: This survey has concluded.

    Have your say!

    Please read the Sandy Bay and Mount Nelson Discussion Paper and provide your feedback via the survey.

  • CLOSED: Submissions for the Discussion Paper have closed.

    If you  would like to upload a formal submission in response to the Disucssion Paper, please complete this form and upload it below..

Page last updated: 06 May 2024, 11:10 AM