Battery Point Slipyards Draft Master Plan

Consultation has concluded

Thank you to everyone that took the time to submit feedback on this project, an engagement report was presented to the Finance and Governance Committee on 13 August 2019.

The report was then presented to Council at their meeting on the 19 August 2019.

At the Council meeting on the 9 September 2019, the minutes from the 19 of August 2019 were confirmed and the resolutions were:

  • The Council adopt the Battery Point Slipyards Master Plan marked as Attachment C to item 6.1 of the Open Finance and Governance Committee agenda of 13 August 2019.
  • Implementation be progressed over future years as budget funding is secured within relevant Council program areas.
  • The Council note that the Battery Point Slipyards Master Plan allows for the inclusion of a Battery Point Foreshore Walkway at some point in the future without the Master Plan needing to be reviewed.

Thank you to everyone that took the time to submit feedback on this project, an engagement report was presented to the Finance and Governance Committee on 13 August 2019.

The report was then presented to Council at their meeting on the 19 August 2019.

At the Council meeting on the 9 September 2019, the minutes from the 19 of August 2019 were confirmed and the resolutions were:

  • The Council adopt the Battery Point Slipyards Master Plan marked as Attachment C to item 6.1 of the Open Finance and Governance Committee agenda of 13 August 2019.
  • Implementation be progressed over future years as budget funding is secured within relevant Council program areas.
  • The Council note that the Battery Point Slipyards Master Plan allows for the inclusion of a Battery Point Foreshore Walkway at some point in the future without the Master Plan needing to be reviewed.

Consultation has concluded
  • Project Information

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    In 2017 the City of Hobart began to prepare a master plan for the Battery Point Slipyards site aimed at delivering a clear and achievable strategic vision to guide and inform future decision-making.

    The process began with understanding the site’s issues, what’s important about it and what the community values. Community engagement has formed a critical component of input in relation to the preparation of this master plan and has involved the following:

    • A planning to plan workshop;
    • Aldermanic briefings;
    • A community workshop; and
    • One on one dialogue

    Thanks to everyone who participated in these activites.

  • Calling for community responses

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    The City has developed a draft Master Plan for the Battery Point Slipyards to provide an opportunity to re-imagine the Slipyards and their operation, moving into the future.

    The draft Master Plan was prepared by a multi-disciplinary team of consultants following a comprehensive research and engagement process in 2017-2018. The document identified a number of key values and opportunities that are important to the community and lease holders. Some of them include:

    • making the slipyards a more inviting environment
    • providing greater pedestrian connectivity and access
    • raising awareness about the site’s history
    • improving park infrastructure and playground facilities
    • opening up view lines through the site.

    The site of the Battery Point Slipyards is a special place that has provided connection between the land and sea for tens of thousands of years. The Mouheneener band of the South East Nation of Aboriginal Tasmania are the Traditional Custodians of this place and Tasmanian Aboriginal people continue to connect with this area and the surrounding waterways, its food, rituals and spiritual values. More recent history has seen this site as a hub of shipwright and maritime activity.

    To ensure the future use and development of the site meet community expectations, the City is now seeking your feedback.

    To get involved and have your say:

    Feedback for this engagement closes on Friday 14 June 2019.

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