What is a Master Plan?

    A Master Plan is a strategic document that maps out a long-term vision for a specific area, and guides funding and planning decisions. A Master Plan also influences how a space should be managed and how assets and facilities are used and upgraded. Rather than being a list of committed actions, it is more of a roadmap for actions the City of Hobart would like to take if funding, policy and other considerations allow. 

    Actions that will be prioritised are first and foremost ones that help to keep the park and oval safe. The City will also listen to the community in this round of engagement to hear what is most important to them. 

    What community engagement was done to develop the South Hobart Oval and Park Draft Master Plan?

    The City of Hobart and consultants Inspiring Place engaged the community from October 2022 to February 2023. 

    Community engagement included: 

    • An online survey through Your Say Hobart was open between 18 November and 11 December 2022.  This attracted 692 responses. 

    • 6 hours of informal site observations and discussions with users took place during October 2022. 

    • Formal consultations with key stakeholders occurred in October and November 2022, and in February 2023. 

    • Letters and comments were received from the wider community, including dog walkers, parents of children at South Hobart Primary School, Football Tasmania, and members of the South Hobart Football Club. 

    All findings from these conversations have been compiled in the Draft Master Plan in section 3 of the document. 

    What are the overarching findings put forward in the Draft Master Plan?

    There are three overarching findings captured in the Draft Master Plan, which inform the recommendation put forward. 

    Firstly, that park facilities should be updated.  

    Secondly, that the different areas of the park could be better connected.  

    And thirdly, that there is conflict between community members about the use of the oval, specifically between off lead dog exercise and sporting use. 

    What are the recommendations put forward in the Draft Master Plan about the oval precinct?

    Through extensive community consultation and research, the City of Hobart proposes the below recommendations in the Draft Master Plan. 

    1. Upgrade the level and playing surface of the sportsground. 

    1. Create pedestrian access at ground level to improve overall access and mobility across the sportsground changerooms and facilities. Upgrade steps to connect with existing pathways in front of grandstand. 

    1. Consider possible locations for a South Hobart Sports Centre by the South Hobart Football Club. The proposal may include changerooms and amenities; clubrooms, viewing deck, VIP room, canteen and toilets. The proposed development is subject to a development application to Council and planning approval. 

    1. Improve streetscape by relocating fence and installing new street trees away from the over head power lines. 

    1. Re-purpose kiosk for storage or community use. 

    1. Relocate outside storage of South Hobart Football Club nets, dugouts and scoreboard equipment from the corner of the sportsground to being adjacent to the building. 

    1. Remove existing solid metal colourbond fence. 

    1. Install wayfinding information signage. 

    1. Install spring closing gates at entry to the sports ground (to ensure closure when accessed by users) 

    1. Investigate options for using small moveable goals for recreational training use and to help reduce wear on the sportsground surface. 

    1. Consider small deck in corner of the sportsground to provide visual connection to the playground and park. 


    Please note, a Master Plan acts as a guide for future works of a site. Each of the above recommendations are subject to funding, planning approval, and further community engagement. 

    What are the recommendations put forward in the Draft Master Plan about the playground and community hall precinct?

    Through extensive community consultation and research, the City of Hobart proposes the below recommendations in the Draft Master Plan. 

    1. Retaining wall around perimeter to be stabilised or replaced. Maintain and retain all vegetation where possible. Revegetate any areas where plants are removed. 
    1. Park entrance to be widened with fences and gate replaced. 

    1. Formalise path and entry to Wide Angle building and create an area in under-croft of building as seating overlooking the playground and proposed new slide. 

    1. Move sandpit to allow access path to connect with proposed new steps linking the park to the oval. Kitbox installed to store donated toys. 

    1. New path and stairs connecting the park and oval. 

    1. Consider small deck in corner of the sportsground to provide visual connection to the playground and park. 

    1. Install new slide on the bank and refurbish slow with large rocks to provide a nature play space. 

    1. Install shade/shelter over existing barbeque and picnic tables. 

    1. Retain existing swings and consider installing a water play feature where the existing slide is located. Review location of seating benches to better suit observation of the play and picnic areas. 

    1. Plant shade tree near play facilities and sand pit. 

    1. Remove dead treeReplace with another feature tree. 

    1. Proposed new footpath connections to improve access and help create better defined open grass spaces. 

    1. Retain all existing open grassed area for play and relaxation including the children bike path near the community hall. 

    1. Remove existing colour-bond fence and relocate storage of football equipment along building edge. 

    1. Install two bike loops. 

    Please note, a Master Plan acts as a guide for future works of a site. Each of the above recommendations are subject to funding, planning approval, and further community engagement. 

    What are the recommendations put forward in the Draft Master Plan about the basketball precinct?

    Through extensive community consultation and research, the City of Hobart proposes the below recommendations in the Draft Master Plan. 

    1. Remove overgrown ivy on perimeter fences/walls to improve recreational use of courts and cricket wicket. 
    1. Install two long seating benches. 

    1. Install water fountain near gates. 

    1. Review age and condition of fencing and replacing in the future to improve amenity and limit balls entering neighbouring land. 

    1. Add gated entrance. 

    1. Repaint basketball court with bright non-slip paint and redo linework. 

    1. Repaint tennis court with bright non-slip paint and redo linework. Introduce pickleball court linework. 

    1. Repaint cricket training wicket. Install permanent metal wicket stumps. 

    Please note, a Master Plan acts as a guide for future works of a site. Each of the above recommendations are subject to funding, planning approval, and further community engagement. 

    What is the City of Hobart proposing to do about the conflict over the use of the oval?

    The South Hobart Oval and Park Draft Master Plan documents conflict between community members about the use of the oval, specifically between off lead dog exercise and sporting use.  

    Most oval users expressed a desire in resolving this conflict. The Draft Master Plan details both sides of this conversation and proposes the conflict be further considered in the 2023 review of the City of Hobart’s Dog Management Policy (2019). 

    The review should investigate all options, including: 

    • Continuing with shared use; 

    • Banning dogs such that the existing ban on dogs in the 0.53ha park area is extended to include the oval; and 

    • Finding an alternative for soccer matches that allows for more parking, more space around the field, a level playing surface, and a modern changing and grandstand facilities. 

    Should shared use continue, the following options should be considered: 

    • Mediation for the stakeholders in conflict 

    • The City of Hobart to conduct a thorough risk assessment of the health implications of allowing active sport on an area used for dog exercising; 

    • Limited access for dog off leash – seasonal, times of day, or both; 

    • Potentially reducing high levels of use by dog exercisers by providing additionally fully fenced areas in nearby parks and reserves 

    What are the Draft Master Plan vision and objectives?

    The vision of the Master Plan is: 

    South Hobart oval and park is a place with significant heritage and open space values that deliver beneficial experiences for a diverse range of sporting, recreational, social and community activities for the local community and visitors. 

    In particular, the Master Plan aims to: 

    • Manage the South Hobart oval and park to support a diversity of community, sporting and recreational activities; 

    • Ensure safe access and facilities are provided; 

    • Ensure the oval and park are sustainably managed with the capacity to maintain high levels of use and activities; and 

    • Improve the visual amenity and user experience through quality site planning, design, construction, and maintenance facilities.