Hobart City Vision Project

Consultation has concluded

Hobart: A community vision for our island capital was endorsed by the Hobart City Council on 23 July 2018.

The document will set the City’s ten-year Strategic Plan and will be used as the basis for all activities and decisions for years to come.

The Vision was created in collaboration with community members and stakeholders between September 2017 and June 2018. Over 1100 contributions went into the project, through 214 one-on-one interviews, a City Forum, online surveys, pop-ups, and workshops with key stakeholders and Hobart students.

The draft vision document was open for community engagement from 29 May to 25 June 2018. The report to Council which includes the results of the engagement can be read in the Finance and Governance Committee Meeting Agenda from 17 July 2018, pages 192 - 317.

Download Hobart: A community vision for our island capital to read the final document.

Read more about the background to create the Vision: Vision background.

Hobart: A community vision for our island capital was endorsed by the Hobart City Council on 23 July 2018.

The document will set the City’s ten-year Strategic Plan and will be used as the basis for all activities and decisions for years to come.

The Vision was created in collaboration with community members and stakeholders between September 2017 and June 2018. Over 1100 contributions went into the project, through 214 one-on-one interviews, a City Forum, online surveys, pop-ups, and workshops with key stakeholders and Hobart students.

The draft vision document was open for community engagement from 29 May to 25 June 2018. The report to Council which includes the results of the engagement can be read in the Finance and Governance Committee Meeting Agenda from 17 July 2018, pages 192 - 317.

Download Hobart: A community vision for our island capital to read the final document.

Read more about the background to create the Vision: Vision background.

Comment on the draft vision

Consultation has concluded